Obagi Research and Development
At Obagi, we believe skin care is about more than “correcting” or even “preventing;” it’s about unleashing your skin’s full potential. We are dedicated to developing scientifically backed, clinical-quality formulations to promote healthy, future-facing skin so you can greet the future with confidence. Innovation is everywhere, the key is to look in the right places. Our philosophy is to meticulously develop transformational products and rigorously test them to ensure every face is cared for, everywhere.
Our Approach to Innovation
At Obagi, breakthrough innovation begins with a deep understanding of skin biology. Knowing how the skin works at the cellular level enables us to systematically approach every opportunity to make a positive impact and support healthy, optimal performance. Developing transformational products with unparalleled results requires both a relentless focus on the essential skin proteins that diminish with aging as well as attention to those proteins that accumulate and prevent otherwise healthy skin from looking youthful. Our approach ensures our skincare advances work in multi-faceted ways to support skin health.
Our Process
Our rigorous product development process leaves no stone left unturned. No detail is too small when it comes to product formulation. The Obagi R&D team pores over thousands of ingredients to find the most efficacious ones, then reviews each and every form of these ingredients to identify the highest quality, most bio-available form. They don’t stop there: the team works further to optimize key ingredient concentrations as well as pH to be confident Obagi products can deliver our promise for results you can see and feel.
Our Standards
Obagi is committed to set and uphold the highest product testing standards at every stage of the development process from pre-clinical evaluation to consumer preference and usage studies. The three tenets of our product standards are Integrity, Safety and Efficacy, and every Obagi product must pass through this battery of tests before it is introduced to consumers. Our Integrity testing confirms every drop of product is identical to the next and meets our quality standards for stability, so you can trust each bottle will work as promised. Our Safety standards ensure that not only is each ingredient tested for safety, but the final formula has been Dermatologist tested for things like allergenicity and irritation. Lastly our Efficacy studies are unmatched. We develop thorough protocols with generous sample groups to be sure we are clinically demonstrating the results consumer’s can expect. Because we believe Seeing is Believing!
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